Sunday, November 15, 2015

Research Benefiting Children and Families...

If I was in means to conduct research about a topic in the early childhood field, it would be play versus curriculum.  Curriculum is in for the school settings and play is out of the picture. Curriculum is great for the children to learn and expand their minds, but play is having an environment allowing the children to discover them self and explore new things.It is closely tied to the development of cognitive, socio-emotional and physical behavior. 

The positive outcome would be curriculum and play would be good for the children and not effect them in a negative way. There would be a better understanding why play is important as well an education for young children. 


  1. Oh Maria! I love your post and your topic! Play v. standards-based curriculum is one of my hot button issues; and, I am a strong proponent of play being a key, if not THE key, component of a well-designed ECE curriculum.
    Nice posting and creative use of the photos!

  2. Sandi,
    Thank you. I couldn't agree with you more. So what do you think of the common core running in the classrooms now? Both play and curriculum is important in a child's life, but in a curriculum like you said it would have to be a well-designed ECE curriculum.


  3. hi maria!!
    Great post! I couldn't agree with you more! It is such a shame that the world is changing around us yet our curriculum is not. I believe that people feel like they are missing out on a true education if we incorporate more play but when a child is passionate she or he will never stop learning. The only way to find passion is through play

  4. Hi Maria, great post! There are many ways children can learn in play. I know I teach my niece how to pick her things by making it to some type of game. Also when learning colors, shapes and she is only three. I notice that she is into dancing that she can look at a video a couple of time and she does the moves. I feel that children learn in different ways. Like for me I am more of a hands on person that by reading something it will take me a few times to read it to get it. I feel play and curriculum are very important. Thank you for sharing.
