Sunday, November 8, 2015

English Language Learners (ELL)

Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language.
–H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

English Language Learners are students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who have a different background  and typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses. 
I chose this topic because there are so many cultures in the United States that working as a childcare provider, we have to put our bias aside and be open about the different cultures and language that come through the business doors. The generation now, who are of a different culture do not know their language. For example, I am Hmong and barely know my language, just enough to get by. I wish  was able to speak it fluently and help other. Trying to learn another language is putting effort and interest to speak another language. I know many of you, ladies have many students who speak a different language and try so hard to understand them or trying to make them understand the assignment. 
The chart is a bit confusing, but I will figure it out to fill in the blanks. I hope that you all will be able to help me in this area. Just as I will try my best to help you in the topic you have chosen.

1 comment:

  1. hi Maria
    Great post! Thank you for sharing.. You know right now I'm learning spanish and I find myself being afraid to speak because of how i sound. It's funny that you mentioned that you don't speak your language. I am starting to see that in the spanish community. Parents that have been here for years do not teach their child the spanish language. Also, we are one of the few countries where citizens are not taught another language.It doesn't seem a need to learn another language but you are right learning another language means to actual dedicate time to it it is a lot of hard work. thanks for sharing
